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What are the advantages and disadvantages of gold?

That said, it’s just as important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of gold before you make any decisions. The main financial advantage of gold is that it tends to be an effective way to give yourself some added protection against economic uncertainty and inflation.

What are the disadvantages of buying gold in San Diego?

Gold also has other potential disadvantages to consider. These include: • Storage difficulties – Physical gold needs to be stored in a safe place because of its high value. This could mean if they opt for remote storage for their bars, ingots, jewelry, or gold coins, San Diego collectors might face added storage fees.•

Does gold corrode?

The value of gold rests in a shared belief that the precious metal is, in fact, precious. However, some qualities of gold make it an ideal option to serve as a medium of exchange. Unlike many other metals, gold doesn’t corrode or otherwise deteriorate in quality.

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